Here are some of my favorite links with other Edward Platt information. Take a look.

Search Engines
It's where I found most of my information on Edward Platt.
Click on these other Links for Edward Platt Information
TV Tome
I update Edward's bio and filmogrpahy on this site, look here for more details on his career.
Internet Movie Database
I also add info on Edward at this site. If you have a question on ANY movie,tv show or actor you'll get an answer here.
Rebel Without A Cause Photos
Scroll down to the bottom of this site's page, there's a great candid of Ed Platt sitting on the site of the Planatarium, wearing sunglasses and looking cool.
Brian's Drive In Theater
A site dedicated to B-films. Under actor John Saxon you can check out a photo of Edward Platt and John in the sequel to "Rock, Pretty Baby": "Summer Love."
Doug Macaulay Character Actors Website
Doug Macaulay is the Webmaster of this extensive website authored by Dennis Johnson. He does an extensive bio about Edward and includes detailed information on the movies he's been in.
Beatniks And Beat Flicks
Wanna see Edward as the beatnik coffee shop owner turned murderer in The Rebel Set? You can watch a clip but you need Quicktime to view it.
This is THE Get Smart site. You'll find detailed info about the show and its cast. Webmaster Carl Birkmeyer does a fine job with this site.
Unclassified Get Smart Site
The other Ultimate GS site on the web. Amanda Haverstick's site includes not only info on the show, but pictures, articles and a whole lot more about Get Smart. You will not be disappointed.